Brake Repair and Brake Service in Petaluma

Brakes PetalumaAre you located in the Petaluma area and need to find the right brake shop? Here at California Hybrid Repair, in addition to our hybrid repair jobs and autmotive repair work, we offer honest and efficient brake repair and brake service in Petaluma.

Checking your brakes is the most important part of keeping your car up-to-date, keeping your family safe and secure on the road. If you don’t replace your brakes when they are worn out, you risk getting into an accident. So, how often should you change your brakes? You should check them every 10,000 miles, but if you start to hear a grinding noise from your wheels, it is a sign that they are in need of brake repair. Bring in your vehicle to California Hybrid Repair brake shop for a brake check and evaluation.

Come in today and let us check your brakes. We are located in 660 Lakeville Street Petaluma, CA 949594, give us a call for an appointment at (707) 658-2248 or contact us online. Your safety is the reason we do our automotive repair work the right way.